This is me a few days ago, furiously scribbling down some notes after a swim.

These past few years have felt like I’ve been lost in the wilderness.
I’m definitely old fashioned. I got started on the internet back in days of chatting on forums about your special interests, whatever they happened to be. I hung out on DeviantArt. Then I started to blog. I really enjoyed it, was consistent with it and it helped me to grow my art business organically while meeting people online around the world.
But then the online world changed. Social media took over and to be blunt, it has always been a struggle. I’m terribly inconsistent and blow hot and cold. Plus it doesn’t fulfill my core needs either on any level.
So, at a time when the accepted wisdom is that blogging is dead and no one reads them anymore, I’m giving it another go. I love writing. I may not be particularly good at it but from writing stories as a child, loving the critical studies component of my art degree, to the aforementioned blogging I’ve found it hugely enjoyable. I should add I’ve been a sporadic journal keeper since my teens. Hence this photo of me having to capture my post swim thoughts.
I’m not trying Substack either at this point, but never say never. I had a noodle over there but something feels off for me. Besides I want to keep all my stuff in one place, on my own site, where I can keep myself better organised. You may have noticed it has a new name and a makeover.
So. Let’s go to the future! With no expectations or goals. Maybe it will get me out of the online wilderness and maybe not, but it’s worth a try.